
Sunday 7 December 2008

expression JLPT level 4

JLPT Level 4 Expression List

The JLPT also includes an Expression list - written in the Test Content Spec as 「あいさつ語等表現」 - or Greetings and other Expressions. These expressions are quite frequently used in the exam and I recommend you know all of them. Note: these expressions are not in the vocabulary list - as they are expressions rather than words.

I have compiled and formatted this Expression list (and added my own definitions) from the latest official JLPT Test Content Specification book (as of 2007): Japanese Language Proficiency Test: Test Content Specifications (Revised Edition), The Japan Foundation and Association of International Education, Japan (2004).

Num Expression Definition
1 どうも・ありがとうございました。 Thank you very much
2 いただきます。 (said before eating a meal)
3 いらっしゃい・ませ。 Welcome (to a store)
4 (では) おげんきで。 (when parting) Stay healthy
5 おねがいします。 Please (do for me)
6 おはようございます。 Good morning (very polite)
7 おやすみなさい。 Good night (very polite)
8 ごちそうさま・でした Thank you for the meal (very polite)
9 こちらこそ。 It is I who should say so
10 ごめんください。 May I come in
11 ごめんなさい。 Sorry
12 こんにちは。 Hello (good day)
13 こんばんは。 Good Evening
14 さよなら|さようなら。 Farewell
15 しつれいしました。 Sorry for my rudeness
16 しつれいします。 Sorry for my rudeness
17 すみません。 Sorry
18 では、また。 Ok, I'll see you later
19 (いいえ) どういたしまして。 (Not at all) you're welcome
20 はじめまして。 Nice to meet you
21 (どうぞ) よろしく。 Pleased to meet you